Open Xlsx Files Free Download
XLS and XLSX files
Windows 7 Download periodically updates pricing and information of Open XLSX to XLS File free download from the publisher, but some information may be out-of-date. Using cracks, warez serial numbers, registration codes or keygens for Open XLSX to XLS File license key is illegal. The result is accurate because you have a file with the same content and keeping all formats: fonts, layout, tables and much more will not change. What makes XLSX Viewer Free handy is its ability to handle any type of Excel. Whether your file has been created with MS Office Excel 97, 98 or 2010, the software can process it without any difficulty. Dec 04, 2018 If your installed version of Excel is prior to the 2007 version, you need to download and install the converter. It is a one time install. It converts xlsx files to xls. Open xls files free download - Free XLS Viewer, Convert Multiple OpenOffice ODS Files To XLS Files Software, Convert Multiple XLS Files To OpenOffice ODS Files Software, and many more programs.
XLSX and XLS files are Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets commonly used to store financial data and to create mathematical models. These files store data in worksheets that contain cells arranged as a grid of rows and columns. Excel spreadsheets may also contain charts, mathematical functions, and various kinds of cell formatting. Spreadsheets are often used in business contexts to store financial data and to perform mathematical computations.
Zoho Sheet: Easily import Excel files from your computer – or an URL – and view it online, for free! Very smooth and quick. OpenOffice: Free and open source, ‘Open Office’, enables you to create spreadsheets for free. Rather similar experience to Excel 2007. Xlsx free download - Batch XLSX to XLS Converter, Free XLSX Viewer, Xlsx Xlsm To Xls Converter 3000, and many more programs. XLSX Open File Tool. Free to try XLSX Open File Tool. Repair damaged.
There are differences in the XLSX and XLS formats created by Excel. While XLS files use a proprietary binary format, XLSX files use a newer file format referred to as Open XML. The XLS extension is used by Microsoft Excel 2003 and earlier and the XLSX extension is used by Microsoft Excel 2007 and later.
Open XLS and XLSX files for free with File Viewer Lite
File Viewer Lite is a FREE program that can open Microsoft Excel .XLS and .XLSX files. |
More information
File Viewer Lite is a free .XLSX and .XLS file opener that allows you to view Excel documents (including .XLSM files) in their native format without having to purchase and install Microsoft Excel. In addition to Microsoft Excel files, File Viewer Lite can open over 150 file types, including Microsoft Word documents, PDF files, images, video files, audio files, and more. Adobe paid stamp templates. You can also view unsupported proprietary document formats in the program's Text and Hex Views. These views display the contents of the document, which can provide useful information.
To view your XLSX or XLS files, download our free file viewer and drag and drop the .XLSX or .XLS file onto the program window. File Viewer Lite will open the file and display the document in its native format as if you were viewing the document with Microsoft Excel.
Written by co-founder Kasper Langmann, Microsoft Office Specialist.
With the “Excel Viewer” you can: Microsoft access database engine download 2010.
- Open Excel files
- View Excel files
- Copy data from a spreadsheet to another program
… Without having Microsoft Excel installed!
The Excel Viewer is an official tool developed by Microsoft, to make it easy (and free) for you to handle Excel files.
Excel Viewer has been around for more than 20 years. In 2008, Microsoft gave the Excel Viewer an overhaul and updated the whole thing.
The updated Excel Viewer replaces the former – and very popular – Excel Viewer 97 (and all previous Excel Viewer versions).
In the video below, I show you the exact steps on how to install and use the Excel Viewer.
Download the Excel Viewer for FREE here
We’ve made it quick and easy for you to download the Excel Viewer. Just hit the button below, save it, install and you’re good to go.
If you encounter any problems, watch the video above as that shows how to install and use the Excel Viewer.
What you CAN’T do with the Excel Viewer
Despite the Excel Viewer being free, there’s obviously a few things it cannot do.
Such as:
- You can’t edit data within the spreadsheet
- You can’t save changes to a workbook
- You can’t create a new workbook either
Sometimes, you don’t even need Excel Viewer…
With Microsoft’s recent introduction of Windows OneDrive, viewing Excel files has become even easier.
OneDrive includes a so-called “Excel Web App”. As the name indicates, this web app works online and makes you able to view Excel files directly from your browser.
If you access the file through OneDrive, you’re able to even edit the Excel file (depends on what privileges you’ve been given by the person who shared the file with you).
System requirements
The newest Excel Viewer supports following operating systems:
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows 7
- Windows Server 2008
Further, the Excel Viewer applies to the following Office applications:
- Microsoft Excel 2010
- Microsoft Office Excel 2007
- Microsoft Office Excel 2003
- Microsoft Excel 2002
- Microsoft Excel 2000
- Microsoft Excel 97
Note: The Excel Viewer is only available as a 32-bit application. However, the 32-bit version of the Excel Viewer can be used on 64-bit versions of Windows.
IMPORTANT: Excel Viewer also works on newer systems
I downloaded the Excel Viewer running Windows 10 (and Windows 8) and it worked perfectly.
Further, I opened an Excel file created in Excel 2016 and that went smooth as well.
So even though Windows 7 is the latest official supported version, later versions of Windows will run the Excel Viewer fine too.
File Formats supported by Excel Viewer
Excel Viewer supports the most common type of Excel files.
Here’s the complete list of supported file formats:
You can open following Excel files: .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xltx, .xltm, .xls, .xlt, .xlm, and .xlw
Note: While you can open macro-enabled files, running macros cannot be done.
Free alternatives to Excel Viewer
Since the Excel Viewer makes it easy for you to open, print and copy Excel files for free, we figured you might also want to know about a few (free) alternatives to the Excel Viewer.
So, below you’ll find 3 free alternatives that enable you to open Excel files for free.
Xslx Free Program
- Google Sheets: Google’s take on spreadsheets. With Google Sheets, you can easily import/export Excel files. Requires a free Google account (such as Gmail).
- Zoho Sheet: Easily import Excel files from your computer – or an URL – and view it online, for free! Very smooth and quick.
- OpenOffice: Free and open source, ‘Open Office’, enables you to create spreadsheets for free. Rather similar experience to Excel 2007.
Bonus: View PowerPoint and Word files for free
Not only has Microsoft developed a viewer to Excel files. They have also developed similar viewers for PowerPoint and Word files too!
Below you’ll find a link to each of the ‘viewers’ in case you need to open Word/PowerPoint files.
Open Xlsx File Online
PowerPoint Viewer (discontinued)Word Viewer (discontinued)