Nas 1638 Pdf

This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) defines contamination classes and levels for particulate contamination of hydraulic fluids and includes methods of reporting related data (Appendix A). The contamination levels selected are based on the widely accepted NAS 1638 cleanliness classes. The conversion from NAS 1638 cleanliness class specifications to AS4059 class specifications is defined. The comparison of the NAS 1638 classes to AS4059 classes and levels is provided and are defined and the differences explained (Appendix B). NAS 1638 classes based on weight of particles are not applicable to these classes and are not included. A contamination code has been added to describe the contamination levels of the fluid at the specified particle size ranges.

15 rows  NAS 1638 is an older standard developed in 1964 to define classes of contamination in. The NAS 1638 cleanliness standard was developed for aerospace components in the US and is still widely used for industrial and aerospace fluid power applications. The figures are differential counts, and the NAS class is usually reported as a single figure representing the maximum allowed particle counts (i.e. Worst case) for designated particle.

Nas 1638 Class 8


NAS 1638 table The NAS 1638 cleanliness standard was developed for aerospace components in the US and is still widely used for industrial and aerospace fluid power applications and in the UK North Sea industries. The figures are differential counts, and the NAS class is usually reported as a single figure representing the maximum allowed. Jan 24, 2012  NAS 1638, 'Cleanliness Requirements of Parts Used in Hydraulic Systems,' has just be issued as the new Revision 4. The 3 page National Aerospace Standard remains inactive for new design and is available for purchase from Document Center Inc. Replacement documents are AS-4059, 'Aerospace Fluid Power - Cleanliness Classification for Hydraulic Fluids,' and NAS-380, 'Nas. Oil Cleanliness Level -Particle Count: NAS 1638 NAS 1638 specifies five range, 5-15 micron, 15-25 micron, 25-50 micron,50-100 micron and 100 micron. And the count refers to number of particles in each range size per 100 ml. Each size range is assigned a class number based on the number of particles present,. NAS 1638 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ISO 4406-1999 15/13/10 16/14/11 17/15/12 18/16/13 19/17/14 20/18/15 21/19/16 22/20/17 ISO 4406 First number: particles grather than 4μm. NAS Cleanliness codes. NAS 1638 Code. The NAS system was originally developed in 1964 to define contamination classes for the contamination contained within aircraft components. The application of this standard was extended to industrial hydraulic systems.

AS4059C Nas 1638 Pdf
Issuing Committee: A-6C1 Contamination and Filtration Committee
Pages: 10
Rationale:Revision F of this standard has been prepared to include comments received from the international community, principally to simplify the coding system to either a single number contamination class that is the same as the obsolete NAS 1638 class, or as a contamination code indicating the contamination levels at a number of distinct particle size ranges. Also, normative references to using the obsolete calibration procedure ISO4402 were removed.
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